The only thing that’s perfect is imperfection.

Being real and vulnerable creates deeper connections. We are inspired by heroes, but we know it’s impossible to become one. What moves us into action are real people just like you and me who become successful and are willing to share their stories. We don’t strive for perfection, so you shouldn’t either.

I know so many people who have great ideas for businesses to share with the world but are stuck trying to be perfect.

Here are some tips if you feel you are not good enough to start:

1. Bear in mind that we are always a work in progress. Your business should be the same. We love being a part of something that is growing before our eyes. What makes us feel special is that we were there from the start. Let us know your struggles and allow us to be part of your journey. Customers fall in love with brands because of this.

2. We don’t expect you to be an expert on everything. It is enough if you can show us some of the next steps. Everyone is unique, and what worked for you might not work for us. We get inspired by the fact that you show us it’s possible.

3. What appears simple to you may be difficult for others. Share your knowledge. Otherwise, you will never know how your actions will impact others.

4. Let go of the need for everyone to like you. I’m pretty sure you don’t like everyone either. When building a business, you don’t want clients you don’t resonate with. They will be the troublemakers. It’s much better to focus your energy on being authentic. “Your vibe attracts your tribe,” as the saying goes.

5. Action creates traction, which creates momentum. When you start moving, things start moving, and solutions appear even to the most difficult problems.

I hope this information is helpful. If this is the case, try taking a tiny step today in the direction of your dream.

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